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Poster B100 in Poster Session B - Thursday, August 8, 2024, 1:30 – 3:30 pm, Johnson Ice Rink

Interaction of segregated resonant mechanisms along the dendritic axis in CA1 pyramidal cells: Interplay of cellular biophysics and spatial structure

Horacio Rotstein2, Ulises Chialva1; 1Universidad Nacional del Sur (Bahía Blanca, Argentina), 2New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJ, USA)

Neuronal frequency filters have implications for cognition and motor behavior. Mechanistically, neuronal filters at the network level are generated by the cooperative activity of the participating neurons and synaptic connectivity. Some of these exhibit filtering properties due to negative feedback effects produced by the participating ionic currents (subthreshold resonance), spike discretization (spiking resonance), and history-dependent process (e.g., short-term dynamics; synaptic resonance). The biophysical and dynamic mechanisms of generation of resonance at the single cell level are well understood. However, single-cell studies have mainly focused on point neurons and much little attention has been paid to the complex filtering properties emerging from spatial distribution of dendritic ionic currents, the interplay of the biophysical and dendritic geometric properties, and the preferred dendritic phase frequency responses. In this work, we investigate the dependence of the resonant (amplitude) and phasonant (phase) response properties on the dendritic spatial structure of neurons in the presence of realistic complex ionic current distributions leading to the type of segregated resonances observed in experiments. Our findings reveal a complex interplay between spatial structure and ionic mechanisms leading to a diversity of dendritic amplitude and phase filtering patterns that have implications for the response of neurons to spatially segregated inhibitory inputs arriving from different cell types and ultimately affecting cognitive behaviors.

Keywords: Resonance Phasonance dendritic filter dendritic computation 

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