Privacy Policy

What do we collect?

We collect only the information you provide during submission of papers or meeting registration. We do not log account access or IP addresses. Our web server collects general traffic statistics that are not user specific.

Information that will be made public, such as your abstract submission, is clearly identified on the submission form or registration form. All other information can only be accessed by you or authorized meeting staff for purposes of managing your submission or registration.

How long do we keep the information I provide to you?

Registration information is kept for two years to provide transaction reports (invoice/receipt) for accounting purposes.

With whom is my information shared?

Your information is not shared with any person or group besides the organizers (Cognitive Computational Neuroscience) and meeting staff. Personal information such as gender and affiliation will be used only in aggregate for statistical purposes.

What cookies do you use?

We use cookies to store a persistent login state to our website. The cookies are removed when you sign out.

Is my personal information secure?

Your personal and payment information is encrypted using industry standard technology and can only be accessed by those who need access to do their job.