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Poster A47 in Poster Session A - Tuesday, August 6, 2024, 4:15 – 6:15 pm, Johnson Ice Rink

Brain network dynamics predict surprise dynamics

Ziwei Zhang1 (), Monica Rosenberg1,2,3; 1Department of Psychology, The University of Chicago, 2Neuroscience Institute, The University of Chicago, 3Institute for Mind and Biology, The University of Chicago

Surprise is a fundamental human experience. We can be surprised by a plot twist in a movie or an underdog team’s victory in a sports match. How much do surprising moments in our life have in common? Is there a generalizable brain signature of surprise? We identified a brain network model, the surprise edge-fluctuation-based predictive model (EFPM), whose regional interaction dynamics measured with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) predicted surprise in an adaptive learning task. The same model generalized to predict surprise as separate groups of individuals watched suspenseful basketball games and videos that violate psychological expectations. Our results suggest that shared neurocognitive processes underlie surprise across contexts and that distinct experiences can be translated into the common space of brain dynamics.

Keywords: surprise learning network dynamics fMRI 

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