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Poster C27 in Poster Session C - Friday, August 9, 2024, 11:15 am – 1:15 pm, Johnson Ice Rink

Toward Structural Similarities between the Brain and Neural Networks

Minsung Cho1 (), Jay Hoon Jung1; 1Korea Aerospace University

The emergence of artificial neural networks has brought significant advancements to the modeling of intelligence. However, there are still notable differences between their functioning and the structural operations of the brain. From a macroscopic perspective, the brain processes information received from various sensory organs and uses this input to make decisions associated with stored memories. In contrast, artificial neural networks perform cognition and decision-making simultaneously, a structure that reduces the model's explainability and complicates the implementation of structural divisions. This research presents a framework that distinguishes between cognition and decision structures within artificial neural networks. Experimental analysis using a simplified model is conducted to showcase this distinction.

Keywords: neural network learning cognitive system memory 

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