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Poster A54 in Poster Session A - Tuesday, August 6, 2024, 4:15 – 6:15 pm, Johnson Ice Rink

How goals affect information seeking

Gili Karni1 (), Nathaniel Daw1, Yael Niv1; 1Princeton

This study investigates how goals influence information sampling strategies in active learning. Previous work in this area compared different sampling heuristics while holding constant participants’ goals (e.g., the final incentivized test). In a behavioral experiment, we compare sampling strategies by manipulating the task’s test to dissociate generative from discriminative information-seeking behaviors. Our results suggest that goals drive changes in sampling behavior, with discriminative tasks leading to higher use of label-margin sampling, i.e., sampling around class borders. These findings highlight the importance of considering goals in understanding human information-seeking behavior

Keywords: information seeking goal directed learning active learning 

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