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Poster C162 in Poster Session C - Friday, August 9, 2024, 11:15 am – 1:15 pm, Johnson Ice Rink

Neurocomputational mechanisms of motivational influences on mental effort

Debbie Yee1 (), Mahalia Prater Fahey2, Xiamin Leng3, Ziwei Cheng4, Maisy Tarlow5, Joonhwa Kim6, Kaitlyn Mundy7, Samuel Nevins8, Amitai Shenhav9; 1Brown University

Human motivation is fundamentally shaped by one’s expectations of their outcomes (e.g., reward, punishment), as well as the type of effort required to attain these outcomes (e.g., attention vs. caution). In our fMRI study (n=100), we observed a dissociation between how rewards promoted increased attentional control (drift rate) vs. how penalties promoted increased caution (decision threshold). We found that a priori brain regions were associated with faster RT or increased accuracy. Model-based fMRI analyses revealed rostral vs. caudal dorsal anterior cingulate cortex regions are associated with drift rate and threshold, respectively. Together, these data reveal that distinct dACC regions underlie how motivational incentives can drive attention-related and caution-related strategies for the adaptive allocation of cognitive control.

Keywords: motivation cognitive control drift diffusion model model-based fMRI 

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