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Poster C46 in Poster Session C - Friday, August 9, 2024, 11:15 am – 1:15 pm, Johnson Ice Rink

Predictive processing of upcoming scene views in immersive environments: evidence from continuous flash suppression

Anna Mynick1 (), Michael A. Cohen2, Kala Goyal1, Adithi Jayaraman1, Caroline E. Robertson1; 1Dartmouth College, 2Amherst College

As we move our eyes, heads, and bodies through the world, we operate with large sections of our environment out of view. How do we compensate for our limited field of view to interact effectively in 360º environments? Here, we test the idea that memory for an environment supplies predictions of upcoming scene views across head turns, modulating the speed at which scene views enter perceptual awareness. Participants (N=64) first learned a set of immersive, real-world scenes in head mounted virtual reality (VR). They then completed a perceptual test in which they head-turned toward target scene views presented in either spatially congruent or incongruent locations. Using continuous flash suppression (CFS) to initially mask the target views, we found that incongruent scene views enter perceptual awareness faster than congruent ones, suggesting that predictions of upcoming scene views are generated across head turns, and that prediction violations are prioritized in perceptual awareness.

Keywords: predictive processing virtual reality scene perception memory 

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