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Poster C131 in Poster Session C - Friday, August 9, 2024, 11:15 am – 1:15 pm, Johnson Ice Rink

Neurocognitive mechanism of monetary and nicotine reward processing among smokers: A preliminary study

Jeung-Hyun Lee1, Eunhwi Lee1, Joshua Brown2, Woo-Young Ahn1 (); 1Seoul National University, 2Indiana University

Optimal decision-making often requires incorporating contextual information, which is often impaired in drug addiction. While it is crucial to utilize actual drug rewards in understanding disrupted reward processing in drug addiction, little attempts have been made to use actual drug reward as rewards. To address this gap, we used a variant of the two-armed bandit reinforcement learning task paired with computational models and a real-time vaping device to deliver nicotine reward to smokers. Our study provides preliminary evidence that smokers exhibited a reduced tendency to consider contextual information, specifically when anticipating nicotine rewards, as opposed to monetary ones. We expect that these findings will contribute to a deeper understanding of disrupted reward processing in drug addiction.

Keywords: reinforcement learning context drug addiction reward frequency 

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