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Poster C42 in Poster Session C - Friday, August 9, 2024, 11:15 am – 1:15 pm, Johnson Ice Rink

High-dimensional spectrum of reliable individual differences in visual cortex

Chihye Han1 (), Michael F. Bonner1; 1Johns Hopkins University

Human visual cortex represents sensory stimuli in population codes spanning thousands of latent dimensions. Although the variance along these dimensions is largely shared across individuals, a portion appears to reflect individual differences. We sought to determine if these individual differences are reliable and, if so, across how many dimensions. We examined a large-scale fMRI dataset of movie-viewing and characterized individual differences across the full spectrum of latent dimensions in visual cortex. We detected reliable individual differences spanning the almost entire spectrum of latent dimensions. Comparisons with voxelwise inter-subject correlations showed that our procedure reveals many dimensions of individual differences that are undetectable with conventional voxelwise analyses. Together, these findings reveal the surprisingly high-dimensional nature of individual differences in visual cortex, and they demonstrate an approach for exploring dimensions of individual variability that are unreachable with conventional methods.

Keywords: dimensionality covariance spectra naturalistic stimuli individual differences 

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