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Poster C72 in Poster Session C - Friday, August 9, 2024, 11:15 am – 1:15 pm, Johnson Ice Rink

Localization differences between face symmetry and abstract symmetry perception within the high-level visual cortices

Didem Gokcay1 (), Piril Hepsomali2, Anil Bayindir3, Funda Yildirim4; 1Istanbul Technical University, Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering, 2University of Reading, School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences, 3Ruhr University Bochum, Department of Biopsychology, 4University of Twente, Human Factors and Engineering Psychology

Symmetry perception of high-level and abstract visual elements is a process that we take granted for. Localization of facial and abstract symmetry patterns may differ due to biologically relevant factors. To investigate localization differences within the high-level cortices LOC, OFA, FFA and DLPFC, we used images consisting of original and symmetrical faces and phase scrambled patterns generated from these. Based on the behavioral responses and the fMR-adaptation paradigm, we found that patch symmetry was mainly processed in OFA bi-laterally and in the LO2 compartment of LOC, with right hemispheric dominance. On the other hand, facial symmetry was associated with the face selective network in the right hemisphere, although LH areas were also active. Our findings support specialized symmetry processing for faces.

Keywords: face symmetry pattern symmetry fMRI fMR-adaptation 

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