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Poster C45 in Poster Session C - Friday, August 9, 2024, 11:15 am – 1:15 pm, Johnson Ice Rink

Oculomotor adaptation of visuospatial memory

Markus Lappe1, Svenja Gremmler1, Annegret Meermeier1; 1University of Münster

Visuospatial working memory enables the temporary retention and maintenance of visual spatial information. It involves both the content of a scene and the spatial locations of the scene elements. The mechanisms for the memory of spatial locations are potentially linked to the mechanisms of oculomotor planning, particularly the preparation of saccadic eye movements. In the present study, we show that adaptation of saccade control through oculomotor learning affects stored locations in visuospatial memory. Participants first encoded a complex visual scene with objects placed at various positions. Then, they completed a saccadic adaptation protocol with simple point targets on a blank screen in which saccades were either increased or decreased in amplitude. Thereafter, they were tested on recollection of scene locations. We found that increasing saccadic adaptation produced a change in the remembered spatial location of previously encoded objects that scaled with the amount of adaptation. This indicates that visuospatial memory relies on oculomotor processes.

Keywords: memory eye movements learning vision 

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