Presentation Guidelines

Oral Presentations

Each oral presentation is allocated 11 minutes. To keep the conference running on time, this time limit will be enforced. We recommend that you plan to speak for about 8 minutes, leaving 3 minutes for questions from the audience.

Please rehearse your presentation before you give your presentation at CCN. Pre-recorded presentations are not allowed.

At the conference, go to Kresge Hall to set up and test your presentation during the coffee break before your Contributed Talk session. You will be presenting from your own laptop. If your laptop does not have an HDMI port, please bring an adaptor to connect to a standard HDMI cable.

Poster Presentations

Poster boards are 8 feet wide by 4 feet tall (243.8  by 121.9 cm), however, the actual usable board space is 90 inches wide by 42 inches tall (228.6 x 106.6 cm). Figures and type should be easily seen from a distance of 6-8 feet. Use clear graphics and large type to accomplish this.  Although we recommend large posters to ensure visibility by your audience, the poster is not required to fill the entire board.

Each poster will be assigned a number, called the Board Number, which will indicate where to post your poster.

We encourage poster presenters to print out their posters ahead of time and bring them to the conference, as local printers may not have capacity to do a large number of posters on short notice. If you would like to have your poster printed locally, some options are available below. Be sure to call and arrange ahead of time to confirm availability and poster specifications.