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Poster B11 in Poster Session B - Thursday, August 8, 2024, 1:30 – 3:30 pm, Johnson Ice Rink

Reward probability encoding in human neurons

Alexander Price1, Rhiannon Cowan1, Tyler Davis1, Shervin Rahimpour1, Ben Shofty1, Matthew Botvinick2, Timothy Muller3, Steven Kennerley4, John Rolston5, Elliot Smith1 (); 1University of Utah, 2Deepmind, 3Univeristy College London, 4University of Oxford, 5Harvard University

People routinely make decisions with uncertain outcomes. Economists have defined this uncertainty about a possible outcome as risk. Previous studies have found subcortical neural computations related to reward and risk. The prefrontal cortex has also been shown to play a role in these computations. Here we present evidence of computations underlying reward and risk in human prefrontal and temporal cortices. These representations may be signatures of Distributional Reinforcement Learning, a framework by which the brain makes value-oriented predictions and updates those predictions to make decisions.

Keywords: distributional reinforcement learning value-based decisions risk processing human neuronal computation 

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