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Poster A133 in Poster Session A - Tuesday, August 6, 2024, 4:15 – 6:15 pm, Johnson Ice Rink

Current-Source Density in Higher Visual Areas Reflects Distinct Signaling Motifs for Oddball Processing

Eli Sennesh1 (), Hamed Nejat1, Jacob Westerberg2,3, Severine Durand3, Ahad Bawany3, Hannah Cabasco3, Henry Loeffler3, Hannah Belski3, Ben Hardcastle3, Shawn Olsen3, Jerome Lecoq3, Andre Bastos1; 1Vanderbilt University, 2Allen Institute for Brain Science, 3Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience

Sensory areas of the mammalian cortex possess a regular six-layer motif, often interpreted functionally in terms of a canonical microcircuit and computation. Many have proposed that this canonical computation could be a form of predictive coding, but previous experiments have sometimes failed to deconfound prediction error as such from other possible causes for neural response dynamics, such as stimulus specific adaptation. We recorded spiking and local field potentials from seven areas in nine (N=9) mice as they passively viewed visual sequences with varying contextual cues and sequence structures. Current-source density analysis in mouse visual area rostrolateral (RL) showed distinct patterns when oddball stimuli were dissociated into stimulus specific adaptation, global oddballs, and deviance detection.

Keywords: cortical microcircuit predictive coding electrophysiology intralaminar circuit 

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