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Poster A146 in Poster Session A - Tuesday, August 6, 2024, 4:15 – 6:15 pm, Johnson Ice Rink

An EEG-fMRI Investigation of the Spatiotemporal Hierarchy of Social Actions

Emalie McMahon1 (), Elizabeth Jiwon Im1, Michael F. Bonner1, Leyla Isik1; 1Johns Hopkins University

Recent work has argued that in addition to the dorsal and ventral visual streams, there is a third visual stream projecting laterally from primary visual cortex to the superior temporal sulcus that is specialized for dynamic social content. A key characteristic of the dorsal and ventral streams is hierarchical computations. To investigate whether the lateral visual stream also has hierarchical computations, we combine the spatial precision of fMRI with the temporal precision of EEG to investigate the direction of information flow through lateral regions of the brain. We find evidence of a temporal and spatial dissociation between features computed early and late in both ventral and lateral regions of the brain providing evidence of hierarchical computations in the lateral visual stream and insight into visual processing of dynamic, social scenes.

Keywords: EEG fMRI social actions encoding models 

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