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Poster A143 in Poster Session A - Tuesday, August 6, 2024, 4:15 – 6:15 pm, Johnson Ice Rink

Cellular functional networks dynamically encode novelty in the mouse visual cortex

Disheng Tang1, Renzimo Zhang1, Ying Zhou1, Zhouyang Lu1, Xiaoxuan Jia1; 1School of Life Science, IDG McGovern Institute for Brain Research, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Novelty detection is critical for survival in a dynamic environment. It has been proposed that novelty detection involves cell-type specific neural circuits and top-down modulation. However, whether and how novelty is encoded by the dynamic interactions of a neuronal network is still unclear. With the large-scale electrophysiology dataset from Allen Institute, we studied the dynamic representation of novelty in the networks constituted by single neurons while the mouse is performing a visual change detection task. Based on functional networks constructed with Granger causality, we applied an unsupervised consensus clustering method and uncovered distinct modular structures between familiar and novel stimuli, which indicated stronger feedforward and recurrent processes induced by novelty. We further investigated the dynamics of network structure by building snapshots of the network. Obtaining network embeddings through graph decomposition, we revealed a time-varying difference between the representations of neuronal networks induced by familiar and novel images, which is also reflected by the network decoding analysis. Altogether, our work suggested novelty induced systematic changes in the information flow and the novelty signal is dynamically encoded in the topology of the cellular-resolution functional networks.

Keywords: dynamic network network coding novelty information flow 

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