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Poster C154 in Poster Session C - Friday, August 9, 2024, 11:15 am – 1:15 pm, Johnson Ice Rink

The Computational Trade-offs of the Functional Organization of the Human Brain

Dan Hilman Amir1, Yuval Hart1; 1The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

The human brain is capable of producing a vast range of useful and complex computations. Yet, limited resources imply that excelling in one cognitive function should come at the expense of another one, resulting in a trade-off. If so, how can we systematically discover the computational goals that drive the functional design of human cognition? In this work, we utilize Pareto optimality theory to map the computational trade-offs that drive individual differences in the functional organization of the human brain. We suggest that individual differences in resting-state fMRI-based functional connectivity can be explained by a trade-off between three competing goals: 1) energy cost minimization 2) cognitive control and goal-directed attention 3) memory and internal processing.

Keywords: Pareto Optimality Individual Differences Resting-state Functional Connectivity 

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