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Poster B33 in Poster Session B - Thursday, August 8, 2024, 1:30 – 3:30 pm, Johnson Ice Rink

Planning With Others in Mind

Nastaran Arfaei1 (), Weiji Ma1; 1NYU

Planning is rarely done in isolation, but in the presence of other agents who affect the environment and the future action space. This shared nature of environment, cost, and reward is even more crucial to consider when planning collaboratively, where reward maximization is dependent on the actions of all collaborating agents. How do people incorporate the future actions of others in their planning process? We developed a collaborative dyadic turn-taking task with decision sequences up to length 16 to answer this question. We found that people can effectively plan in this context and evidence that they incorporate future potential moves of their partner in their planning process. We constructed and tested computational models of the behavior, among which, a collaborative heuristic search algorithm that simulated and evaluated the future actions of the partner fit the data the best. We also showed specific shortcomings of the competing models.

Keywords: Planning Collaboration Computational Modeling Social Planning 

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