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Poster A145 in Poster Session A - Tuesday, August 6, 2024, 4:15 – 6:15 pm, Johnson Ice Rink

A comparison of neural representation geometry induced by neuronal spiking and local field potentials in the human brain.

Hristos Courellis1,2, Daniel Deng1,2, Juri Minxha1,2, Adam Mamelak2, Stefano Fusi3, Ueli Rutishauser1,2; 1California Institute of Technology, 2Cedars Sinai Medical Center, 3Columbia University

Studying the geometry of neural representations formed by populations of neurons has provided powerful insight into cognition. Microelectrodes provide access to both single-neuron activity and local field potentials (LFPs). Little is known about whether the geometry of representations can be studied at the level of the LFP. Simultaneous comparison of representational geometries induced in each of these signals during a cognitive task can reveal properties of brain computation at multiple spatio-temporal scales. Here, we study neural representational geometries present in single-unit activity and in local field potentials in the brains of neurosurgical patients who are performing an inferential reasoning task. We demonstrate that the content and format of neural representations can be readily quantified for LFP, and that spike- and LFP-based geometries can be strongly correlated, albeit in a region-dependent manner.

Keywords: neural representation geometry single neuron local field potential 

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