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Poster B123 in Poster Session B - Thursday, August 8, 2024, 1:30 – 3:30 pm, Johnson Ice Rink

Encoding of Acoustic Features in Listened and Imagined MEG Responses to Melodies

Maryam Maghsoudi Shaghaghi1 (), Mohsen Rezaeizadeh1, Jonathon Z. Simon1, Shihab A. Shamma1; 1University of Maryland - College Park

Musical imagery is the internal re-creation of music without external auditory input. While numerous studies have investigated the neural correlates of musical listening and imagery, fewer have explored the encoding of acoustic features during the latter. In this study, we employ Multivariate Temporal Response functions (mTRFs) to examine how melodic features, such as note onsets, envelope and envelope onsets, are encoded in magnetoencephalography (MEG) responses during both musical listening and imagery. Our analysis reveals that note onsets and envelope onsets significantly predict MEG responses in both listening and imagery conditions. Notably, correlations between these acoustic features and neural activity are evident at both group and individual levels. Furthermore, prediction correlation topographies show increased correlation values in channels located above the temporal lobe during both listening and imagery tasks.

Keywords: Musical Imagery Auditory Encoding Temporal Response Functions Magnetoencephalography 

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