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Poster B8 in Poster Session B - Thursday, August 8, 2024, 1:30 – 3:30 pm, Johnson Ice Rink

Revealing human planning strategies with eye tracking

Frederick Callaway1 (), Miaomiao Yu1, Marcelo Mattar1; 1New York University

Most recent research on human planning attempts to adjudicate between different possible models based on their ability to predict choices and perhaps response times. Here, we propose that eye-tracking can provide a crucial additional constraint. Using a simple task that makes gaze highly revealing of internal planning, our results (1) provide a more nuanced perspective on previously proposed reward- and depth-based pruning mechanisms, (2) suggest that people use a planning strategy that incorporates elements of both best-first search and Monte Carlo tree search, and (3) suggest that planning (in our task) does not involve accumulating evidence about reward.

Keywords: planning eye tracking 

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